

To write tests using the api database, Rest Model allow you to bypass the usage of a remote API to loopback into the local process for the api query. If the host of the api is localapi, Rest Model will not go to the network seeking a host named localapi but will query the local url engine to fetch the serializers.

If you have your API application installed as local dependecies for testing, and an url running with it, you can write tests painlessly.

This allows:

  • database transactions on all requests made to the api
  • faster testing since no network stack is used
  • easier testing setup, since no api should be started before the tests

By default, the test database for api will use the localapi system. to bypass this, provide a DATABASES config named TEST_{name}. This database will be used for all queries on the api database {name}

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': 'db.sq3',
    'api': {
        'ENGINE': 'rest_models.backend',
        'NAME': 'http://localapi/api/v2',
        'USER': 'admin',
        'PASSWORD': 'admin',
        'AUTH': 'rest_models.backend.auth.BasicAuth',

    'TEST_api': {  # replace the database «api» durring the tests
        'ENGINE': 'rest_models.backend',
        'NAME': 'http://localhost:8080/api/v2',
        'USER': 'userapi',
        'PASSWORD': 'passwordapi',
        'AUTH': 'rest_models.backend.auth.BasicAuth',
        'OPTIONS': {
            'SKIP_CHECK': True,

Mock API


You can mock the api with a custom response for each given url. It won’t trigger any api query, but will instead return the predefined data from each request matching the patterns.

Your test cases must inherit from either rest_models.test.RestModelTestMixin or rest_models.test.RestModelTestCase

With this, you have 2 more functionalities.

You can provide the matching «url» => «response» by giving the rest_fixtures like this:

class TestAnonymousVisit(RestModelTestMixin, TestCase):

    rest_fixtures = {
        '/oauth2/token/': [
            {'data': {'scope': 'read write', 'access_token': 'HJKMe81faowKipJGKZSwg05LnfJmrU',
                                    'token_type': 'Bearer', 'expires_in': 36000}}
        '/pizzas/': 'path/to/fixtures.json',

with the file in path/to/fixtures.json :

    "filter": {},
    "data": {
      "pizza": {
        "cost": 2.08,
        "to_date": "2016-11-20T08:46:02.016000",
        "from_date": "2016-11-15",
        "price": 10.0,
        "id": 1,
        "links": {
          "toppings": "toppings/"
        "name": "suprème",
        "toppings": [
        "menu": 1

Providing data

Global to the tests

If you have 2 or more api databases, you must provide a mapping database => fixtures in the static attribute database_rest_fixtures. If you have only one api database, the database_rest_fixtures is automatically mapped to the default one:

class TestAnonymousVisit(RestModelTestMixin, TestCase):

    database_rest_fixtures = {'api': {  # api is our first database
        '/oauth2/token/': [
            {'data': {'scope': 'read write', 'access_token': 'HJKMe81faowKipJGKZSwg05LnfJmrU',
                                    'token_type': 'Bearer', 'expires_in': 36000}}

Local to a function

You can temporary mock the data from the api by using RestModelTestMixin.mock_api context manager:

class TestAnonymousVisit(RestModelTestMixin, TestCase):

    def test_remote_name_mismatch(self):

        with self.mock_api('pizza', {'pizzas': []}, using='api'):
            self.assertEqual(len(list(Pizza.objects.all())), 0)

It takes 3 arguments :

  • url: the url to mock
  • result : the result to return for the given url
  • params: the parameters that will be used to filter the usage of this mock
  • using: optionally the api to mock, if there is more than one

Data structure

The structure of the mocked data is a list of possible results, represented by a dict with two keys :

  • data: the actual data returned by the api if it was queried ({"pizzas": [...], "menus": [...]})
  • filter: for the given data to be used, the query must match this dict of data
  • statuscode: the status code to simulate


The data is a copy of the real result expected in the api.

The following is extracted from the rest api interface and is a valid data value

    "pizzas": [
            "links": {
                "toppings": "toppings/"
            "to_date": "2016-11-20T08:46:02.016000",
            "price": 10.0,
            "cost": 2.08,
            "name": "suprème",
            "from_date": "2016-11-15",
            "toppings": [
            "menu": 1,
            "id": 1

    "meta": {
        "per_page": 10,
        "total_pages": 1,
        "page": 1,
        "total_results": 1


The filter is a dict or a list of dict that can be empty, in that case it will match all queries. It can contain one of the following relevant values - any other will make this dataset not match any query. If it’s a list, any dict inside that matches the query will validate this fixture.

  • params: the main filter helper. it must contains a dict with the query parameters in the get for the api
  • method: the method used (get, post, put, …)
  • json: the posted data

The params filter is a dict with each item the part of the final query GET to the api.

For example:

?filter{name}=lolilol&filter{pizza.name}=pipi =>

{'params': {'filter{name}': 'lolilol', 'filter{pizza.name}': 'pipi'}}

The json must match the POSTed/PUT data if given. If you created a Menu with name=’hey’ :

'filter': {
    'method': 'post',
    'json': {'menu': {'name': 'hey'}}  # posted data must match this


remember that all posted data must return a 201 status code

{  # response for post
    'filter': {
        'method': 'post',
    'data': {  # this will return a fake models created response
    'status_code': 201  # the mandatory statuscode to return for a post success

Full example

The following test case is a full example taken from the test suit. It’s a good point for start.

class TestMockDataSample(RestModelTestCase):
    database_rest_fixtures = {'api': {  # api => response mocker for database named «api»
        'menulol': [  # url menulol
                'filter': {  # set of filters to match
                    'params': {  # params => requests parameters to sort[],exclude[],filter{...},include[]
                        'filter{name}': ['lolilol'],  # with filter(name='lolilol')
                        'sort[]': ['-name']  # with order_by('-name')
                'data': {
                    "menus": [],
                    "meta": {
                        "per_page": 10,
                        "total_pages": 1,
                        "page": 1,
                        "total_results": 0
                'filter': [{
                    'params': {
                        'filter{name}': ['lolilol'],  # just the filter, no sorting
                'data': {
                    "menus": [
                            "links": {
                                "pizzas": "pizzas/"
                            "id": 1,
                            "pizzas": [
                            "name": "main menu",
                            "code": "mn"
                    "meta": {
                        "per_page": 10,
                        "total_pages": 1,
                        "page": 1,
                        "total_results": 1
            {  # response for post
                'filter': {
                    'method': 'post',
                    'json': {'menu': {'name': 'hey'}}  # posted data must match this
                'data': {  # this will return the fake models created response
                    "menu": {
                        "id": 1,
                        "pizzas": [],
                        "name": "hey",
                        "code": "hy"
                'status_code': 201  # the mandatory status code to return for a post success
            {  # response for post
                'filter': {
                    'method': 'post',
                'data': {
                    "menu": {
                        "id": 2,
                        "pizzas": [],
                        "name": "hello",
                        "code": "ho"
                'status_code': 201
            {  # fallback
                'filter': {},  # no filter => fallback
                'data': {
                    "menus": [
                            "links": {
                                "pizzas": "pizzas/"
                            "id": 1,
                            "pizzas": [
                            "name": "lolilol",
                            "code": "mn"
                            "links": {
                                "pizzas": "pizzas/"
                            "id": 2,
                            "pizzas": [
                            "name": "lolilol",
                            "code": "ll"
                    "meta": {
                        "per_page": 10,
                        "total_pages": 1,
                        "page": 1,
                        "total_results": 2


    def test_multi_results_filter(self):
        # no filter/no sort => fallback
        self.assertEqual(len(list(Menu.objects.all())), 2)
        # no matching filter => fallback
        self.assertEqual(len(list(Menu.objects.filter(code='pr'))), 2)
        # no matching filter => fallback
        self.assertEqual(len(list(Menu.objects.filter(name='pr'))), 2)
        # matching filter/no sort => don't care for missing sort and return 1rst
        self.assertEqual(len(list(Menu.objects.filter(name='lolilol'))), 1)
        # no matching sort => 2nd found
        self.assertEqual(len(list(Menu.objects.filter(name='lolilol').order_by('name'))), 1)
        # no matching sort => 1st found
        self.assertEqual(len(list(Menu.objects.filter(name='lolilol').order_by('-name'))), 0)
        # no matching filter => fallback
        self.assertEqual(len(list(Menu.objects.filter(name='pr').order_by('-name'))), 2)

    def test_post_filter(self):
        # no filter/no sort => fallback
        m = Menu.objects.create(name='hey', code='!!')
        self.assertEqual(m.pk, 1)
        self.assertEqual(m.name, 'hey')
        self.assertEqual(m.code, 'hy')

        m = Menu.objects.create(name='prout', code='??')
        self.assertEqual(m.pk, 2)
        self.assertEqual(m.name, 'hello')
        self.assertEqual(m.code, 'ho')